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We Are RoomSurfer

We carefully select each and every property that we have on offer and only ever advertise properties that are high quality, recently renovated or excellent value for money.

 We believe that good student accommodation isn’t just about the property itself, but also about your overall experience when renting. Our aim is to provide you with not just a service, but an experience that’ll enhance your University life. We’re a completely independent, flexible and accredited company that exists solely to make your time at University more enjoyable, memorable and stress-free.

Student Rentals In Canterbury

1024 (2)

For Rent

Ideal for University of Kent (UKC) students
/ Per person per month
33 Guildford Road, canterbury student let

For Rent

Ideal for Christ Church University (CCU) students
/ Per person per month

For Rent

Ideal for Christ Church University (CCU) students
/ Per person per month

Trusted Listing Partner


How can we help you find your ideal student let in Canterbury?

We only list the highest quality student rentals in Canterbury at the very best prices to suit your budget.

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